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The 6th Yamaguchi Kenjin Kai World Grand Meeting

ページ番号:0252373 更新日:2024年3月31日更新



The Overseas Yamaguchi Kenjinkai, which are our important overseas partners and a valuable exchange base, gathered together and held the 6th Yamaguchi Kenjin Kai World Grand Meeting to deepen mutual understanding and exchange.​        

This was the first in-person World Grand Meeting since the 4th World Grand Meeting 8 years earlier. The 5th World Grand Meeting was held online due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.​

Over 100 people from three countries, six kenjinkai, and several international exchange organizations within the prefecture attended the event.​




Youth Exchange Program

 Friday, July 28th, 2023   1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

 Kamakakuokalani Center for Hawaiian Studies, University of Hawaii
 (Honolulu, Hawai’i, United States)

 14 young members from 4 Kenjinkai

 Brazil, United States(Honolulu, Kaua'i, Nanka) each Kenjinkai

Opinion Exchange (Post-Pandemic exchange)​, Cultural Experience (Taro History and
 Cultivation Experience)​​


~ Opinion Exchange ~



~ Cultural Experience ~




 Saturday, July 29th, 2023   1:00 PM - 2:25 PM   

・Venue ​ 
 Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach, Yellowtail
 (Honolulu, Hawai’i, United States)     

 Representatives from 6 Kenjinkai in 3 countries

 Brazil, United States(Honolulu, Kaua'i, Kona, Nanka), China(Shanghai) each Kenjinkai

The Kenjinkai representatives, Governor Muraoka, and Chairman Yanai discussed the
 draft convention declaration and the proposal for the next venue, in addition to
 exchanging opinions on future exchanges.​


  代表者会議① 代表者会議②



 Saturday, July 29th, 2023   3:15 PM - 5:45 PM

・Venue ​ 
 Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach, Alohilani2
 (Honolulu, Hawai’i, United States)

 Please see here for the list of main attendees.(Attendee list (PDF:71KB)

           About 100 people from 6 Kenjinkai in 3 countries

          Governor of Hawaii (Representative),
          Consul General of the Consulate-General of Japan in Honolulu, 
          Mayor of Kauai County (Representative),
          President of the Japan America-Society of Hawaii, 
          Brian TANIGUCHI Former Hawaii State Senator 

          Governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture,
          Chairperson of Yamaguchi Prefectural Assembly,
          Yamaguchi Brazil Association Director, etc                

 Yamaguchi Prefecture, Honolulu Yamaguchi Kenjinkai    

   Operation:The 6th Overseas Yamaguchi Kenjinkai World Grand Meeting Executive Committee
           (Yamaguchi Prefecture, Honolulu Yamaguchi Kenjinkai,
            Yamaguchi International Exchange Association,
            Yamaguchi Japan-America Society, Yamaguchi University,
            Yamaguchi Prefectural University, Suo-Oshima Town)

   Secretariat: International Division of Yamaguchi Prefecture

・Supported by 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan,
 Japan International Cooperation Agency,
 The Association of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad


World Grand Meeting

Greeting by Organizer 

Governor Muraoka and Chairman Yanai from the Yamaguchi Prefectural Assembly gave greetings on behalf of the organizers.


【MURAOKA Tsugumasa, Governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture】



I am very happy that we were able to overcome pandemic and meet in person here today.

Yamaguchi Prefecture and the Kenjinkai will continue to be important partners moving forward together. Even as times change, our strong relationship of mutual trust remains unchanged, and we must continue to move forward together toward the future, deepening our bonds and respecting and supporting each other.

I believe that the World Grand Meeting will not only lead to the further strengthening of the "Yamaguchi Kenjinkai Network" that has been built up until now, but also serve as an opportunity to rediscover the charm of Yamaguchi and to pass on the identity of those with roots in Yamaguchi Prefecture to the next generation. 

【YANAI Shungaku, Chairperson of Yamaguchi Prefectural Assembly



For us, the Kenjinkai are important partners who love not only Japan, but Yamaguchi. In  addition, Yamaguchi Prefecture is proud of all of you who have achieved brilliant results and established solid positions in your respective countries, and who are still active in their respective countries.

I sincerely hope that through today’s World Grand Meeting, the bonds of the Yamaguchi Kenjinkai Network that spreads all over the world will further deepen, transcending regions and generations, and that this will serve as an opportunity to further promote exchanges in the future.


Greeting by Kenjinkai Representatives​

On behalf of the participating Kenjinkai, Arturo Yoshimoto, chairman of the Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai, gave a speech.

【Arturo YOSHIMOTO, President of Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai 】



They left their homeland and entered an unknown world with the hope of preserving prosperity and tradition. It was because of their determination that we were able to create a new society after such a long period of time.

We would like to do our best so that our feelings for Yamaguchi continue deep and long, and continue to the next generation.


Greeting by Guests​

On behalf of the guests, we received greetings from James Tokioka, Director of DBEDT (on behalf of Hawaii Governor Josh Green) and Consul General Aoki from the Consulate General of Japan in Honolulu.

【James TOKIOKA, Director of Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism]



For the past three years, the pandemic has kept us apart. Restricted travel, health, and safety precautions separated us.

While online virtual technology has kept us connected, it cannot replace the warmth and camaraderie that comes with human interaction.

We hope everyone enjoys the opportunity this weekend to bond, reminisce, and create some new memories today. 

【AOKI Yutaka, Consul General of Consulate-General of Japan in Honolulu】



Ladies and gentlemen, people of Japanese ancestry, including the Yamaguchi Kenjinkai, are active in various fields around the world and are making great contributions to the development of their countries. You have won the trust and respect of Nikkei people, the Nikkei community, and Japan.

Today, I was able to witness the deep connections between the Overseas Yamaguchi Kenjinkai and the people of Yamaguchi Prefecture. The Japanese government will continue to work to strengthen Japan's relationship with people of Japanese descent through study abroad, training, invitations, and various exchange programs.


Yamaguchi Prefecture Introduction​

The Coordinators for International Relations (CIRs) at the International Division made a video introducing many of Yamaguchi’s tourist spots, cuisine, and experiences.

【Yamaguchi Prefecture Introduction Video】

   紹介動画 紹介動画②

 紹介動画(柳井市) 紹介動画(萩市)

 紹介動画(下関市) 紹介動画(エンディング)


Kenjinkai Activity Reports​

Six kenjinkais reported on their respective activities.

Brazil Yamaguchi Kenjinkai​


Two former overseas technical trainees shared their activities over the past year, highlighting their involvement in events such as the Chugoku Five Prefecture Joint Sports Day and the promotion of Yamaguchi Prefecture's culture and food at the Japan Festival in July.

Kaua'i Yamaguchi Kenjin​kai


They discussed their interactions with exchange students  from Yamaguchi University, their visit to Yamaguchi Prefecture last year, and the ”Friendship Cultural Exchange” between Kaua’i and Suo-Oshima held in January 2023.

Kona Yamaguchi Kenjinkai​


President Irving addressed his journey to becoming president and the current state of the Kenjinkai, noting a decrease in membership  due to the aging population and the effects of the coronavirus.

Shanghai Yamaguchi Kenjinkai​


In addition to providing an overview of Shanghai City and the Shanghai Yamaguchi Kenjinkai, they highlighted the Kenjinkai's activities in 2022 and 2023, including social gatherings and golf tournaments.

Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai​


They presented about the 2023 New Year’s Party, initiatives to explore one's roots, activities such as the annual picnic, and the publication of a newsletter.

Honolulu Yamaguchi Kenjinkai​


They introduced their online New Year’s Party, cleanup activities, and their visit to Yamaguchi Prefecture last year in conjunction with the sisterhood agreement signing  ceremony between the State of Hawai’i and Yamaguchi Prefecture.


Adoption of World Grand Meeting Statement ​Announcement of Next World Grand Meeting Location​

The final draft of the World Grand Meeting Declaration was reviewed and approved during the Representative Meeting. The text was recited in Japanese by Governor Tsugumasa Muraoka and in English by Honolulu Yamaguchi Kenjinkai President Gail Wakatake. 

Also, it has been announced that the 7th Yamaguchi Kenjin Kai World Grand Meeting will be held in Yamaguchi Prefecture in 2028. We looking forward to seeing many of you in attendance.

 WGM Declaration(Japanese・English) (PDF:187KB)

大会宣言(知事) 大会宣言(ゲイル会長)


Exchange Reception    

After the World Grand Meeting, an exchange reception was held to deepen friendships among the participants.

After greetings from Governor Muraoka, Chairman Wakatake, and Yuko Hayashi of the Yamaguchi Prefecture Brazil Association, the event commenced with a  toast from Chairman Yanai.

Nostalgia filled the air as we reunited after a long time apart, allowing us to appreciate the fortitude and enthusiasm of each Kenjinkai, along with their strong feelings for Yamaguchi Prefecture, as we shared our opinions with each other.



①知事あいさつ ②県人会会長あいさつ ③ブラジル親善協会あいさつ ④議長あいさつ④乾杯 ⑤記念写真 ⑥記念写真 ⑦記念写真 ⑧記念写真 ⑨記念写真 ⑩記念写真 ⑪記念写真 ⑫記念写真 ⑬記念写真 ⑭記念写真 ⑮記念写真 ⑯記念写真


Honolulu Yamaguchi Kenjinkai Breakfast

The day after the World Grand Meeting (Sunday, July 30th), a breakfast was hosted by the Honolulu Yamaguchi Kenjinkai.

Many people participated, including Governor Muraoka, Chairman Yanai, and members of each Kenjinkai. The participants were able to interact with each other while enjoying the food prepared by members of the Honolulu Yamaguchi Kenjinkai. 

In a casual, comfortable atmosphere, attendees were able to relax, enjoy conversing and participate in other activities.





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