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Junior High Night Class Survey(English)

ページ番号:0179066 更新日:2022年10月19日更新

(1) Junior High Night Class Survey


The Yamaguchi Prefectural Board of Education would like to understand the needs for an evening junior high school for those who, for various reasons, were not able to fully attend junior high school and would like to study at a junior high school.

Therefore, we would like to give everyone an idea of the image of an evening junior high school, and would like to conduct a questionnaire about this school. We would appreciate your cooperation.


  ※Please check here for more details about the Junior High Night Class Survey

         Junior High Night Class Survey (PDF:478KB)



(2) Response Method

Please use the following links to access the survey.

・Junior High Night Class Survey (Student Version)<外部リンク>

・Junior High Night Class Survey (Parent/Supporter Version)<外部リンク>


(3) Survey Deadline

December, 16th 2022 (Fri)

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