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The 5th Overseas Yamaguchi Kenjinkai World Grand Meeting!

ページ番号:0128079 更新日:2022年3月3日更新



To create a space for mutual understanding between the Kenjinkais, who are invaluable global partners in expanding the horizons of Yamaguchi Prefecture,the 5th Overseas Yamaguchi Kenjinkai World Grand Meeting was held under the theme of ”The Yamaguchi within you and me. To a future connected through our hometowns bond.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this event was held online for the first time. However, more than 120 people across 11 Kenjinkais from 6 different countries as well as people from international exchange organizations attended the Meeting Ceremony.


 In addition, to commemorate the 5th World Grand Meeting, and in hopes to further the Yamaguchi Kenjin
 Network, the above pictured   symbol was made.

 The Meeting Ceremony is available on the Yamaguchi Prefecture International Division’s YouTube Channel
 「国際交流塾やまぐち Yamaguchi Pref. International Division」<外部リンク>in English, Spanish,
 Portuguese and Japanese, subtitles.



Representative meeting

・Date and time  Monday, December 20,2021(8:00-8:45 a.m.)

・Place Main Conference Room 4th Floor, Prefectural Office

・Participating Overseas Yamaguchi Kenjinkais Representatives of 11 Kenjinkais from 6 countries

   Brazil, Peru, Mexico, the United States (Honolulu, Kauai, Hawaii Island, Los Angeles,
          and Sacramento), Singapore, and China (Shanghai and Guangdong)


       Representatives of the kenjinkais and Governor MURAOKA were connected online to have a talk and
       discuss the draft World Grand Meeting Declaration and the proposed site for the next meeting.




Meeting Ceremony

・Date and time  Monday, December 20,2021(9:00-10:30 a.m.)

・Place Main Conference Room 4th Floor, Prefectural Office

・Participants  The primary attendees can be found here (Attendees List (PDF:213KB)).

 (Overseas Kenjinkais) 11 Kenjinkais from 6 Countries, about 70 people

 (Yamaguchi Prefecture)

      Governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture, Chairperson of Yamaguchi Prefectural Assembly,
      Chairperson of the Board of Directors,Yamaguchi International Exchange Association,
      Mayor of Suo-Oshima Town, Chairperson of the Yamaguchi Prefectural Assembly Steering Committee,
      Chairperson of the Yamaguchi Prefectural Assembly Committee for Commerce and Tourism,
      Chairperson of the Yamaguchi Prefectural Assembly Federation, Promotion of ASEAN Regional
      Friendship and Economic Exchange,
      Chairperson of the Yamaguchi Brazil Association,
      Chairperson of the Yamaguchi Peru Association,
      Managing Director of the Kawamura Yoshikuni Memorial Foundation for Youth Development

・Organizer The 5th Overseas Yamaguchi Kenjinkai World Grand Meeting Executive Committee

        (Yamaguchi Prefecture, Yamaguchi International Exchange Association,
                           Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi Prefectural University, Yamaguchi City,
                           Iwakuni City, Suo-Oshima Town)

            [Secretariat: International Division of the Yamaguchi Prefecture Tourism,
                            Sports, and Culture Department]

・Supported by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency,
                             The Association of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad

The Meeting Ceremony


The attendees from the Yamaguchi side gathered at the Prefectural Government Office and were connected online with the attendees from the Overseas Yamaguchi Kenjinkais.

会場の様子1  会場の様子2


Introduction of Yamaguchi

A video introducing cities and towns that have sisterhood relations with countries or states that have an Overseas Yamaguchi Kenjinkai, basic information about Yamaguchi Prefecture, and past World Grand Meetings was played.

Introduction of Sister City Exchanges (PDF:5.75MB)】 

姉妹交流先紹介① 姉妹交流先紹介②

【Introduction Video of Yamaguchi Prefecture】

山口県紹介動画①    山口県紹介動画②


Greeting by Organizer

Governor MURAOKA and Chairperson MUKUNASHI of the Yamaguchi International Exchange Association delivered speeches on behalf of the host organization.

【MURAOKA Tsugumasa, Governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture】


(Summary of Greeting)

Yamaguchi Prefecture and the Kenjinkais are important partners that will continue to work together.

Time and people may change, but this relationship will stay.

We must strengthen the ties and support each other and walk strongly together in the years to come.

【MUKUNASHI Keisuke,Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Yamaguchi International Exchange Association】


(Summary of Greeting)

The members of the Overseas Yamaguchi Kenjinkais have overcome various hardships and have made great accomplishments in the frontier of hope explored by their predecessors.

They have also made tremendous contributions as a bridge to Yamaguchi Prefecture. I would like to express my deepest respect and gratitude to you all.

I hope that you will maintain your affection to your hometown Yamaguchi Prefecture and extend your exchanges beyond regions and generations.


Greeting by Kenjinkai Representative

 President ITO Kimiko of the Brazil Yamaguchi Kenjinkai, made a speech on behalf of the Kenjinkais.

【ITO Kimiko, President Brazil Yamaguchi Kenjinkai 】


(Summary of Greeting)

We can see each others faces and talk to each other from different Kenjinkais from around the world, and I am very happy to learn everyone’s achievements from around the world as well. It is an encouragement for me.

I hope this event will help us connect with our Yamaguchi Kenjin friends from different parts of the world and build deeper and stronger friendships.


Greeting by Guests

Chairperson YANAI and Mayor FUJIMOTO delivered speeches on behalf of the guests.

【YANAI Shungaku, Chairperson of Yamaguchi Prefectural Assembly】


(Summary of Greeting)

With great achievements in your respective areas, you are always great supporters for those from Yamaguchi prefecture living in your region, and we are also proud of you.

And we hope to continue to have further exchange with you.

【FUJIMOTO Kiyotaka, Mayor of Suo-Oshima Town】


(Summary of Greeting)

I think it is important to reaffirm our fellowship and enhance the pride of Yamaguchi as the home for those who are away, and to maintain the relationship with mutual exchange of people.

I hope this event today will promote the expansion of the exchanges of people and information as well as networking of emigrants.


Kenjinkai Activities Report

 We listened to the activity report of 7 of the participating Kenjinkais.

【Brazil Yamaguchi Kenjinkai】


Three members who were overseas technical trainees in FY 2018 and are currently serving as the Youth Division leaders introduced their activities before the pandemic and the activities they focused on during the pandemic (the production of a bimonthly newsletter in Japanese and Portuguese among others).

【Honolulu Yamaguchi Kenjinkai】


They presented the history of the Kenjinkai as well as images of the Ohana Festival, the Honolulu Festival, and the online Shinnenkai celebration which was attended by over 60 members. 

【Kauaʻi Yamaguchi Kenjin Kai】


They introduced the Spring Festival, where they honor members 85 years and older and younger members under 18 years old.

They also showed us photos of the Yamaguchi University exchange students at the Kaua’i Community College.

【Hawaii Shima Yamaguchi Kenjinkai】


The president told us that they usually hold their Shinnenkai in February or March and told us about the exchange between Yamaguchi University students and the University of Hawai’i at Hilo. 

【Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai】


They introduced the history of the Kenjinkai, their activities before the pandemic (Shinnenkai, Keiro no hi, annual picnics), and photos of previous World Grand Meeting attendances. 

【Sacramento Bocho Doshi Kai】


The Vice President told us about his great-grandfather’s immigration history and introduced us to the Kenjinkai’s activities (Shinnenkai, golf tournaments, picnics, bowling tournaments, etc.) prior to the pandemic.

【Shanghai Yamaguchi Kenjinkai】


They told us about the joint event they organized between the Kagoshima, Yamaguchi, Kochi and Saga Kenjinkais to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Meiji Restoration in 2018.

They also showed us their activities from 2016 to 2019 and during the pandemic.


Youth Exchange Program Implementation Report

 On October 26, an online Youth Exchange Program took place.

Contents of the Youth Exchange Program

The event was attended by a total of 18 people, 9 from the Yamaguchi Prefecture side (Yamaguchi University students, Yamaguchi Prefectural University students, and etc.) and 9 from the Overseas Kenjinkais (Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Honolulu, Kaua’I, and Nanka).

The theme of the program was, ”What the younger generation can do to promote exchange and networking with overseas countries,” and the participants were divided into two groups for discussion in Japanese and English.

The participants concluded that it is very important for younger generations to understand the sacrifice and contribution of their ancestors and to continue to have discussions to connect Yamaguchi Prefecture and the Kenjinkais.



Adoption of World Grand Meeting Statement

The final draft of the World Grand Meeting Statement was reviewed and approved during the Representative meeting. The text was recited in Japanese by Governor MURAOKA and in English by Kaua’i Yamaguchi Kenjinkai President Cheryl Matsunami Shintani.

大会宣言採択  カウアイ県人会・シェリル会長



Announcement of Next World Grand Meeting Location

The State of Hawaii has been chosen as the location for the next Word Grand Meeting. President Gail Masami Wakatake of the Honolulu Yamaguchi Kenjinkai, dedicated a few words to us as the representative of the host entity of the 6th Overseas Yamaguchi Kenjinkai World Grand Meeting.

次期開催地発表   ホノルル県人会会長あいさつ


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